Introduction to rwml-R
The book "Real-World Machine Learning" by Henrik Brink, Joseph W. Richards, and Mark Fetherolf attempts to prepare the reader for the realities of machine learning. It covers a basic framework for machine-learning projects, then it dives into extended examples that show how that basic framework can be applied in realistic situations. It attempts to provide the "hidden wisdom" on how to go about implementing products and solutions based on machine learning. The book is a relatively easy read and definitely worth the investment in time, but all of the supplied code is contained in iPython notebooks. I'm working through the book, reproducing all of the code listings and figures using R markdown, and I'm posting the results in a github repo: rwml-R.
HTML renderings of R Markdown notebooks
The project is a series of R Markdown notebooks, one for each chapter. Links to HTML versions of the knitted R Markdown files: